“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.”
Congressional Testimonies
Statement before the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Subject: Interrogation Policy and Executive Order 13440, September 25th 2007.
Statement before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, Hearing on the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody, September 25th 2008.
Professional Journals (partial list)
Applied Cognitive Psychology, Volume 28, Issue 6, November/December 2014 (Note: These papers we co-authored with the following esteemed colleagues: Christian A. Meissner, PhD; Melissa B. Russano, Phd; Fadia M. Narchet, PhD; Pär Anders Granhag, PhD: Kate A. Houston, PhD; Jacqueline R. Evans, PhD; Simon Oleszkiewicz, M.A.; Amy B. Ross, M.A; Julia R. LaBianca, M.A.; and Skye A. Woestehoff, M.A.)
Analysts, Interpreters, and Intelligence Interrogations: Perceptions and Insights
Structured Interviews of Experienced HUMINT Interrogators
On Eliciting Intelligence from Human Sources: Contextualizing the Scharff-Technique
A Utilization-Focused Guide for Conducting Terrorism Risk Reduction Program Evaluations. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, Vol. 6 No.2 2014 (co-authored with Michael J. Williams, PhD)
A taxonomy of Interrogation Methods. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Vol 19(2), May 2013, 165-178. (co-authored with Christopher E. Kelly, Jeaneé C. Miller, and Allison D. Redlich)
World on Fire: The Vital—and Ethical—Role of Behavioral Scientists in National Security Operations.
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol 18(4), Nov 2012, 405-407
Criminal versus HUMINT interrogations: The importance of psychological science to improving interrogative practice. (with Christian A. Meissner, Jacqueline R. Evans, Susan E. Brandon, and Melissa B. Russano), Journal of Psychiatry & Law (2010)
Interview and Interrogation: A Perspective and Update from the USA, Mental Health Law & Policy, January 2009 (with Randy Borum, PhD, and Michael Gelles, PhD)
The Acme of Skill: Embracing the Potential of Strategic Interrogation. Defense Intelligence Journal, Volume 13 Number 1 & 2, 2005
Professional Papers
National Security Interrogations: Myth v. Reality, prepared for Third Way, Washington, DC, June 2011
Law Reviews
The Promise of Interrogation v. the Problem of Torture. Valparaiso University Law Review, Vol. 43. No. 4, 2009
The Compatibility of Intelligence Gathering, Interrogation, and Preventing Torture, New York City Law Review, Summer, 2008, 11 N.Y. City L. Rev. 325
Academic Publications
Educing Information: Interrogation, Science and Art. National Defense Intelligence College, Washington, DC, December 2006. (Chapters 5 and 7)
MIS-Y: U.S. Strategic Interrogation in World War II, Master’s thesis, Joint Military Intelligence College, Washington, DC, August 2002